Trident Natural Parasite and Pathogen Eradicator 1 lb

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Regular Price: $125.00

Special Price: $110.00

Availability: In stock


Quick Overview

Broad Spectrum Powerful Antimicrobial Against:

- Viruses
- Fungus
- Pathogenic Bacteria
- Parasites 

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Chitosan Oligosaccharides (COS) 50%

Ecklonia Cava Extract 50%

Chitosan Oligosaccharide exhibits antimicrobial activity against a wide variety of pathogenic microorganisms. Chemically COS has a positive charge to it, making it able to damage the cell walls of pathogens, which kills them. 


Chitosan supplementation in clinical studies reduced urea levels in the blood, increased haemoglobin production and reduced cholesterol levels in patients with chronic kidney disease. 


The effects of chitosan have been investigated on eighty patients with renal failure undergoing long-term stable haemodialysis treatment. The patients were tested after a control treatment period of 1 week. Half were fed 30 chitosan tablets (45 mg chitosan/tablet) three times a day. Ingestion of chitosan effectively reduced total serum cholesterol levels (from 10.14 +/- 4.40 to 5.82 +/- 2.19 mM) and increased serum haemoglobin levels (from 58.2 +/- 12.1 to 68 +/- 9.0 g L-1). Significant reductions in urea and creatinine levels in serum were observed after 4 weeks of chitosan ingestion. The feeling of physical strength, the appetite and the sleep of patients in the treatment group had improved significantly after 12 weeks of ingestion, compared with those of patients in the control group. During the treatment period, no clinically problematic symptoms were observed. These data suggest that chitosan might be effective treatment for renal failure patients, although the mechanism of the effect should be investigated further.


Inside your body is a war between your immune system and pathogens.


Eliminate that war and gain back the energy your immune is spending in fighting it. Take nature’s powerful anti-microbial in the product called SeaCrab. SeaCrab offers a powerful combination of Ecklonia Cava Seaweed Extract and the extract of Crabshell called Chitosan. These natural substances are safe for human consumption and have powerful anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fugal and anti-parasitic effects. 


Ecklonia cava is an edible seaweed, which has been recognized as a rich source of bioactive extracts mainly, phlorotannins. These phlorotannins exhibit various beneficial biological activities such as antioxidant, anticancer, antidiabetic, anti-human immunodeficiency virus, antihypertensive, matrix metalloproteinase enzyme inhibition, hyaluronidase enzyme inhibition, radio protective, and anti- allergic activities.


Studies on Ecklonia cava suggest it has the immunomodulatory ability to activate the anti-inflammatory response and/or suppress the proinflammatory response, thereby endorsing its usefulness as therapy for diseases of the immune system.


Ecklonia cava has both in vivo and in vitro antidiabetic effects.


This product is capable of causing die off of pathogens. The dead fungi, bacteria, viruses and parasites release their cellular contents into the body when this happens. Their cellular contents are toxic to the body. The body responds by increasing the rate at which it can excrete these toxins. This may cause a diminished appetite, rash, headache, loose stools, congestion, mucus and fever.


Assist your body with the detoxification by giving yourself a colema or getting a colonic or giving yourself an organic coffee enema.


Other means of assisting in 
detoxification include fasting on fresh vegetable and fruit juices, sweating in a FIR sauna and bouncing on a mini trampoline. 


Suggested usage:


1.5 to 2 tsps per day mixed in water. Duration of usage 3 to 12 months.