This is the story behind the very popular AuLac Restaurant in Fountain Valley, CA WOW This is an amazing story behind the AuLac, one of my favorite Raw Living food restaurants in California I hope you enjoy this an much as I did.
Dude Where is my Testicular Tumor? My ultrasound could not find my testicular tumor? Doctor says I am free and clear!
A Follow up with Dan the Man in California regarding David’s progress from WalkingRaw. I had the opportunity to meet up with Lou Corona & Dan the life regenerator in California He was interested to hear my progress and wanted to share my WalkingRaw success story.
WalkingRaw receives exciting news from his medical follow up David Gaynor receives exciting news today, as his medical doctors expects a minimum of 30% reduction in the size of his tumor. David has been doing 100% raw food lifestyle, supplementing with PuraDymes Enzymes & Probiotics.
Childhood Asthma
Just after my daughter’s 7th birthday, the doctors told us they suspected she had childhood asthma. She had what they called a “habitual cough.” She was given an inhaler, but after using it 6 times, she began having a bad reaction to it; she had insomnia, nightmares and panic attacks. I was familiar with Lou Corona and after doing some research, started giving my daughter LiyfZyme, Liyf Essentials, and LiyfBiotic. I also began incorporating a lot more fresh fruit and veggies into her daily diet, as well as the fresh almond milk/gorilla milk. I used the inhaler less and less until I just stopped using it all together. When my daughter went back into the doctor for her follow up, the doctor was AMAZED! She said whatever I was doing NOT to change a thing and to keep moving forward. The cough is gone and my daughter has never been healthier!!***************************************
Birth control
~Loving L.I.Y.F in WA!!
Lou Corona is my HERO!!
Lou Corona is my HERO!! I have never met him, yet have the upmost respect in the short time of my recent discovery of him.
Thanks so much
Heartburn & Stomach issues
A Special Pur Thank You!
I got really sick during my last pregnancy and the prenatal vitamins were only making that sickness worse- I literally couldn’t keep them down. I was panicked about giving my baby proper nutrition. When I contacted the PuraDyme team about my concerns, they recommended that I take the Liyf Essentials to help my body get the nutrition it needed. The Liyf Essentials is fantastic!!I drank it in shakes, ate it in yogurts and as dips for fruit-I would even eat it right out of the jar by the spoonful! I couldn’t get enough of it! When my baby was born I was told he was one of the healthiest babies they had seen- he was perfect and strong! To top off the whole experience, at my 2 day checkup, I was told that my body was almost healed to 1 month post-partum! Thank you PuraDyme team for this wonderful product!****************************************
PuraDyme is a blessing
It is a blessing to find that you want to help us to regenerate our bodies with these products. It makes easy on us not to count or weight or be afraid not doing the right decision. I wish you the best, I already shared your page with people that I care very much
My family loves this enzyme!
PuraDyme’s Purity
Upon trying PuraDyme’s Probiotics, Enzymes, and now PuraCleanse, I immediately felt the purity in the products….. Please never change what PuraDyme has here. I have always had issues with my digestion, and I have tried everything on the market. Yours works for me the way no other does. You have a loyal customer in me, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing what you love, and sharing your gift from God with others. God Bless u today & always****************************************
4 Principles
Thank you for your warm compassionate way of presenting these principles. I felt a deep connection. I look forward to using the products here as I make this change and commitment for myself and those my life will touch. Live long and prosperLiyfZymes
From my experience, LiyfZyme is the best enzymes I have come across so far. I love your products and want all my clients to use them !